Thursday, May 19, 2016


Once again...I'm really, really, REALLY bad at keeping up on a blog. However, I want somewhere my kids can look back at and see everything we're up to. So I will, update what's happened in the past little bit.

We had a baby! By far the best thing we've done since the last time I updated.
Taysom Henline Harvey. He is the sweetest, most calm baby. I don't know what we every did without him in our lives!
When we went in to his month appointment, the doctor noticed his head was still a little odd shaped. I thought it was just because he was a newborn but he wanted a CT scan done. Hearing that something might be wrong with your perfect, precious baby is very hard to hear. But we got the CT scan done, and had an appointment with Primary Children's Medical Center and found out he had Craniosynostosis. Craniosynostosis is a birth defect in which one or more of the sutures on the baby's skull closes prematurely. In Taysom's case, it was just one suture, the Sagittal suture. Craniosynostosis is fixed surgically. He had his surgery in October and did awesome! After surgery he wore a helmet to correct the shape of his head. 

I think he looked pretty dang cute in his helmet!

Then Christmas came. It was a really good Christmas! We baked cookies, learned about Jesus, and spent time with family. 

These are the boys on Christmas morning. Owen opening all the presents and Taysom just hanging out. 

Thursday, December 17, 2015

December 17, 2015

Wow I'm really bad at this blogging thing.... but I think it is worth another try! A lot has happened since my last post (obviously, that was over a year ago). 

We got pregnant!! 
My friend Kristen made this adorable announcement for me! (And the date was spot on! Kinda cool) 

Owen was excited to get his own "Coke" (It was really sprite, but he doesn't need to know that)
Snuggle time with dad...
The family went to Chuck E. Cheese. Although I think uncle Drew enjoyed it more than Owen
Eating straight from the fridge. I think he learned that from me...oops!
Waiting for his buddy 
Owen turned 2!! Two has been such a fun age!! 
He can be a stinker that ALWAYS wants to be naked, but mostly 2 is really fun
We had a "Thomas the Train" party for Owen! The cake was his favorite part! He still has the train from the top of the cake, and he got a ton of train presents! Such a fun day!
New swimsuit, my "Surf Dude"
Owen loves sports! 
His Easter outfit from Grandma Henline

Thursday, June 12, 2014

A bit about the Harvey's


I've decided to try blogging again. I tried once before and I didn't keep up on it at all!  But now that I'm home more often, I think I will be better at it. Here goes!


I met Jake at Snow College in 2009, a few months after his mission. We dated for a few months and got married on May 21, 2010 in the Salt Lake Temple.

It was a beautiful day I will never forget! It was so fun to share it with Jake and both our families. We are so grateful we have such awesome families that support us in all we do.

Being married has been awesome! I have loved every minute of it! And I thought it was the best thing ever...til I had a baby. Now that, is the best thing EVER.

We had our first baby, Owen on February 11, 2013 weighing 6 lbs. 11 oz. and we love him sooo much!!

This is our first family photo with our little baby bug!

And this is Owen the first night we brought him home.

Owen at 4 months,

6 months,

and 1 year old.

and a few of my favorite family photos!